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Szukaj ofert pracy Carrier

Jednostka odległości

„Program Absolwencki firmy Carrier to doświadczenie, którego nie uważam za coś oczywistego. Bycie częścią społeczności różnorodnych inżynierów reprezentujących przyszłość Carrier dało mi platformę, dzięki której mogę stać się częścią celu, który jest większy niż ja sam!”

-Lauren-Jenay Kelly, Spelman College '18, Test & Validation Engineer

Supply Chain Management Intern- Summer

Palm Beach Gardens, Floryda
Identyfikator oferty 30171668 Kategoria oferty Supply Chain


United States of America


CAF77: CCS - CIB 13995 Pasteur Blvd , Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 33418 USA
  • About Carrier

    Carrier Global Corporation, global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions is committed to creating solutions that matter for people and our planet for generations to come. From the beginning, we've led in inventing new technologies and entirely new industries. Today, we continue to lead because we have a world-class, diverse workforce that puts the customer at the center of everything we do.

    Key Responsibilities

  • Oversee special projects supporting supply chain initiatives.

  • Development of tools and templates to be used by the supply chain team.

  • Analyze and evaluate data related to supplier agreements.

    Required Qualifications

  • Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, supply chain, or business.

  • 3.0 or higher GPA

  • Must be eligible to work in the US without sponsorship

    Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge of supply chain.

  • Ability to solve challenging and complex problems.

  • Intermediate skills in Excel and PowerPoint

  • Basic knowledge in Power BI is preferred.


Carrier is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.

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